Document 2080 DOCN M94A2080 TI Identite positive. DT 9412 AU Junod P; Rochette P; Preventive medecine department, Hopital Saint-Luc, Montreal,; Qc. Canada. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):386 (abstract no. PD0151). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370495 AB OBJECTIVE: The main objective of our prevention project is to modify risk behaviors by using natural leaders in young gay peoples frequenting bars of Montreal. The sub-objectives are: 1--acquisition of knowledges on HIV and transmission modes, 2--acquisition of habilities to develop interpersonal relationship, 3--acquisition of positive attitude in regard of sexual orientation, and 4--valorization of condom using by peers. METHODS: Subjects will recruted via an ads in gay literature, those will be natural leaders. They will be formed to acquire skills to dissiminate information among young gay men. Two aspects will be develop: 1--medical aspect concerning HIV, AIDS. and transmission modes, 2--psychosocial aspect concerning valorization of gay self-esteem. Recruitment of a stimulating person who will support on the grond natural leaders. Regular meetings to support the group and adjust the interventions made. Paper prevention material already existing will be used. The length of the project will be one year. RESULTS: We expect that young gay men will acquire a positive perception of homosexuality, a better self-esteem and finally, decrease of risk behaviors by using of condom. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: As our project is complementary and innovative to what is done for prevention of HIV transmission in Montreal, we believe, as illustrated by litterature, that it is addition of multiple interventions that will on a long term basis succeed to change behaviors of young gay men. DE Condoms Gender Identity *Health Education *Homosexuality/PSYCHOLOGY Human HIV Infections/*PREVENTION & CONTROL/PSYCHOLOGY/TRANSMISSION Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice Male Quebec Risk Factors Sex Education *Social Environment MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).